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Course Learning Objectives/Outcomes

By the end of the course, the Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, Social Worker or Psychologist will be able to:
-Discuss four cognitive distortions in the psychological treatment of adult ADHD.
-Explain three irritable subtype-anger strategies.
-Describe five steps regarding working memory.
-Discuss two roles of control in ADHD clients.
-Describe two conduct problems with young adults.
-Discuss five stages of depression.
-Discuss three balance issues regarding parent training.
-Explain three alcohol and drepression treatment.
-Discuss two social problems in ADHD.
-Discuss five psychosocial treatment of adult ADHD.
-Explain two tools for setting the right social & emotional expectation.
-Discuss four challenges of ADHD in the work engagement-performance process.
-Explain one tool regarding family intervention for ADHD.
-Explain four comorbid conditions.
-Explain why are the current DSM symptom thresholds for ADHD inappropriate for diagnosing ADHD in adult clients.
-Explain key components of the diagnostic process for adult ADHD.
-Explain the goals of a cognitive remediation program for adults with ADHD.
-Explain in what way was Cathy’s presentation typical of adult clients with ADHD.
-Name three ADHD behaviors most significantly impact adult relationships.
-Explain the key reason ADHD often goes unrecognized in females.
-Explain what factors may delay the diagnosis of adult ADHD.
-Name the five steps in a “Couple’s Dialogue”.
-Name the six internal resilience factors common to successful adults with ADHD.
-Name one strategy you might use with a client who is continually late for work.
-Name the required types of extensive analysis in Paul’s progress and ultimate career direction.
-Explain is the co-occurrence rate of ADHD and substance abuse disorders.
-Explain behaviors that are targeted for classroom observation.

"The instructional level of this course is introductory, intermediate, or advanced depending on the learners clinical area of expertise."